
The Effects of Alcohol on Your Skin and Hair

We don’t need to tell you alcoholic beverages are popular for social settings, but did you know consuming them can cause a number of short- and lon...

How to Use Sunscreen

Choosing the right sun protection and applying it properly are the most important steps you can take to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful ra...

What You Can Do About Your Ageing Face

Even if you have great genes and look much younger than you are, age-related changes in our facial appearance are unavoidable. Those changes refle...

Toxic Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on the Skin

Skin damage from sun exposure is caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Not all the sun’s rays have the same effects. Some wavelengths of UV radiati...

Treating Acne

Although most common during the teenage years, acne may also appear for the first time in midlife or worsen then. Acne results from inflammation a...

Face Hydrosols

Face mists, also knowns as hydrosols, are created during the steam distillation of aromatic plants. They are rich in water-soluble elements of plan...

What is Rosehip Oil?

To understand what Rosehip Oil is, one needs to dig into its origin. Rosehip seed oil, better known as Rosehip Oil, is extracted from the seeds, th...

Benefits of Argan Oil

People across the world have historically used Argan Oil as remedies for skin infections, rashes and bug bites. Learn the great and natural benefits of Argan oil. Mother natures own pure secret beauty oil.